>I gave birth to our second child, Ruthie Edith Hayford at 8:36 pm. It’s been an amazing year and filled with fun, sleepless nights and wonder to have watched her grow. Anyway, we had her party Saturday, mostly for conveinence. Here are the pictures!
Here is the banner I made using my Cricut machine. It was supposed to say “Happy Birthday Ruthie” but I left one of the i’s at home, so we had to improvise by carefully cutting a hyphen out of one of the Ts and putting “B-day” instead which was fine. I was just gonna leave it as “Happy Brthday Ruthie” but it was too noticable. Jeff is the genius behind the hypen.
Here’s her cupcake shaped birthday cake and extra cupcakes. I created her birthday invitations (again with the cricut machine) and put a cupcake on them, so I wanted to crossover the theme into her cake. Just letting you knwo the pan is created by Wilton and while it’s cute and adorable, it’s a pain in the butt to work with. Don’t use it if you have less than 20 minutes to pop out of the pan and frost it.
And here’s a bunch of pictures of the present opening portion of the party. The gun was given to us by our friends Cooper and Ngaire. Cooper explains, “Every kid should have a toy gun.”.. I guess that opinion comes with the occupation of being a police officer. These aren’t all of the presents she got, but just a few of them.
Here’s the singing portion of the party. Jeff was not standing at a good angle, but you can still tell she’s kind of thinking “WHAT is going on here?!?”
And here’s some pictures of her enjoying a cupcake! The Colonial Sanders goatee was just too cute!
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